If you recall, a few roundups ago (March 28th to be exact) I had mentioned how I had joined the Yakezie Challenge. The challenge is an opportunity to network with other personal finance bloggers while increasing traffic and readership to this blog.
Yakezie Challenge
One of the key indicators of the challenge is the site’s Alexa rating which is kind like a bragging right of how much traffic your site gets compared to other sites. There’s a lot more detail than that, but that’s the gist of it. When we first started the Yakezie Challenge, our site had an Alexa rating of 165,900. Today, our rating is a whopping 127,969! That’s almost a 23% increase in less than a month!!! For us, that’s quite an amazing feat in such a short time. Thanks to all the Yakezie member for making this happen.
Yakezie Member Roundup
Here are some of the best posts of the week from Yakezie members as well as some other good reads.
- Who To Look To For Help When You Don’t Have God! by Frugal Zeitgeist
- Credit Card Concierge Service by Credit Card Chaser
- Could you live in another country? by Simple Life in France
- Fresh Perspective Interview with Jason Topp by Clarifinancial
- Debt Settlement Company Guide by The Debt Hawk
- Finances Need a Fix? “Retreat” May Be Better than “Charge!” by The Millionaire Nurse Blog
- Do You & Your Spouse Argue Over Finances? by Ending The Rat Race
- Emergency Fund – Your Take? by Out of Debt Again
- “Math Class is Tough!” – My old excuse for debt by Stay At Home Mom CFO
- What is Financial Literacy? The Final Segment by Canadian Finance Blog
- Rooting Out The Devil: Kathy Kristof Interview by Engineer Your Finances
- Secured Credit Card offers by Good Financial Cents
- 7 Lies About Money That can Kill Your Finances by Bible Money Matters
- How to Lower Your Air Conditioner Bill by The Wisdom Journal
- Why Debt Counseling Doesn’t Work for Most People at Fiscal Geek