If you are looking for an alternative way on how to earn extra income, most probably online selling will be the best possible option. Aside from skipping the hassle of the traffic since you can work from home, this is the easiest and simplest way on how to earn money. If you are a fan of essential oils, as I do, why don’t you make money out of your favorites? Since Young Living Essential Oils got our back, we can join their growing team and build our own business. Here is a direct and straightforward answer on how to earn money by selling Young Living Essential Oils.
You can make money from selling Young Living Essential Oils by following these three simple steps. First, try to become a part of the team by signing up for the wholesale membership. Once you have signed up, start using the oils so that you can build your own testimonial about using the oils. Lastly, share the information with others.
However, you must keep in mind that this is not a fast and easy-money type of business; it also requires time, commitment, dedication, and hard work to become a successful entrepreneur of Young Living Essential Oils. Hence, you may continue reading below to find out how to earn money with this kind of business line, but before that, here are some of the few reasons why you should join and be a member of Young Living Essential Oils.
Reasons Why Should I Be A Member Of Young Living Business
Aside from the extra income, you will earn, here are some of the reasons why people are joining the Young Living team:
Low-cost Investment
By just buying the Premium Starter Kit, which costs 160$, you are now a step ahead on becoming a Young Living Entrepreneur. Well, you will figure it out how, as we move along later on.
You Do Not Need To Sell
I know this might sound intriguing but just keep on reading to know how this works.
- Be your own boss with no employees
- No pressure to meet sales and quotas
Unlike other business that requires you to meet a minimum quota to get a commission
- You can work on your own pace and hours
- Great bonding for families and friends to grow business with you
- Career and professional development
- Helping your customer to a more natural and healthy lifestyle
- Perfect for home-based parents
- Can earn a residual income
Well, how do these reasons sound? I think they are great, right? Therefore, I will now show you the step-by-step guide on how to make money with Young Living Essential Oil.
How To Become An Entrepreneur With Young Living Essential Oils: Ultimate Guide
Finally, the long wait is over, listed below is the step-by-step walkthrough on how to embark on your Young Living business journey.
Step 1: Join the right team with a successful upline:
Joining as a member is an easy part. You can join by just simply signing up for a wholesale membership which can cost as low as $160.
This includes a starter kit with inclusions of 11 essential oils, a diffuser, and other complementary goods.
Now the tough bit: part of any MLM business is to share the essential oils with others such as to your friends, relatives, or other acquaintances. If you get others to become members of the Young Living Team, you will earn a commission on any Young Living products they purchase.
That’s why it’s crucial that you join with a knowledgeable and successful upline (the person who recruited you.) The best uplines will teach you their tips and tricks. They may even pass you leads!
The commission structure can also be a little confusing. For example, you can only earn the commission if you personally purchase enough products to count towards your so-called Personal Volume. Sure, you could check the Young Living Compensation Plan to learn more, but having a knowledgeable mentor will shorten your learning curve a ton.
Step 2: Build your own testimonial about the oil
With the starter kit, you purchased, you may now start using the oils. Take time to learn each oil and even the other goodies so that you can build your testimonial about the products. This will be easy for those people who are a fan of essential oils since they can relate easily about the products.
What’s so good about these essential oils is that they are multifunctional. They can be used in the line of wellness, beauty, deodorizing, cleaning, and even cooking. Just make sure you are using these essential oils personally so that you can share your experience or knowledge when people will start asking about them.
For instance, you can try using them in public such as the Stress Away Roll-On on a particularly hot day. Or the Thieves Waterless Hand Sanitizer to clean your hands or your children’s hands when you’re out and about. You may also flex to your guest your all-natural diffuser with Young Living Essential Oil when having a get together at your house.
You may even post a picture of yourself using the products on your Facebook account, and then, you will see people will start asking the products you are using. This is just you, using the products, not necessarily selling it boldly. This explains number two on the list of the reasons why you should start Young Living Business because it does not necessarily require you to sell these essential products.
Step 3: Share the information with others
This is the best and easiest way to start up and build your business. Instead of carrying and selling inventories of these products, you may encourage others to sign up and become a member of the Young Living Team. By doing this, you will earn your commission, fast and easy, right? The main goal on how to earn money with Young Living Business is to help and encourage others to sign up for Young Living accounts for themselves instead of directly selling the products to them.
You might be wondering how you can start sharing information. Well, you must look for the perfect timing to share the oils with other people. You can teach classes, have a group discussion, or even have a one on one discussion with your set of friends and relatives. That is why step 2 is very important since this will be the information or your personal experience using the oil, you will be discussing with your friends. Plus, the training and knowledge you have learned with the person you have signed up with, which is why it is very important as well that the person you have signed up with share all the important reminders and training so that you can adapt it when it is now your turn to share the information about the business.
You may also be creative when sharing your passion about these essential oils by teaching classes at your local recreation center or having a Young Living Essential Oil booth at a local fair or at a school bazaar. Just make sure, you do not forget the focus, which is to let others sign up for their own Young Living accounts.
Step 4: Earning money
Okay, so you have done your part, teaching classes, having one on one discussion, and finally, having people signing up for their own accounts. Therefore, what’s next? Well, this will be the main highlight of this guide, the “How to earn money” part.
As I have mentioned above the Young Living Compensation Plan, I must say that it is very generous, especially on the part of having the ability to earn residual income. So, how does this plan actually work?
In a nutshell:
Encouraging others to sign up for a wholesale membership who will get a Premium Starter Kit, will let you earn 50$ right away.
- You will earn 25$ for the Starter Kit Bonus
- You will get 25% commissions for your first three months for the FastStart Bonus
For example, you signed up someone with the Premium Starter Kit, and then you will earn 25$ right away. If that someone purchased again in a span of two or three months, that is how you will get your 25% commission on that order. Moreover, you will get an additional 10% commission on anyone, especially if they also signed up for their own Young Living accounts.
It is also vital that you understand the Young Living Compensation Plan because this is designed to achieve your goal and how to generate your income. Hence, to better understand the Young Living Compensation Plan, here is a super simple explanation that you can watch here.
Should I signed up with Young Living Business: The Pros and Cons
If you are torn between should I sign up with Young Living business or not, you may continue reading this blog post till the end so that you will learn both the benefits and the drawbacks of becoming a member of this growing business.
The Pros
1. It will help people find what they need
You can be a good Samaritan by simply teaching others the wonders of Young Living Business. You are earning money, at the same time you can help your friends, relatives, and your local community in general.
2. You will receive 50$ for every sign up of Premium Starter Kit
This is what we have been talking about a while ago. Just do your best to encourage others to sign up under you and you will be surprised with the commission that will come along your way.
3. It gives generous commissions and bonuses
For example, you ranked “Silver” during your first six months, you will get 2000$ worth of free oils with an additional percentage from your purchases.
The Cons
1. You must have a good network of friends
This is very important when doing this kind of business line. You must have a very good upline, or else you will not get the support you will need. Therefore, as a tip, you must be creative on how you can share the information about Young Living Essential Oils. You may refer to Step #3 about sharing the information with others.
2. It is a “Pay to Play”
You can only earn a commission if you generate 100 points of Personal Volume (PV) by personally buying Young Living products. This means that in order to earn a commission, you need to spend money with Young Living business. For example, place a 100 PV order on your first three months to earn points, which can be used to redeem Young Living products. The more you purchase, the more points you can accumulate for redeeming free products.
To learn more about how to earn different commissions on Young Living business, you may check this site.
Personally, I must say it’s worth it joining the Young Living Team because of the numerous benefits, especially the income you will get from this business. Make sure to conduct your own research first before signing up and be keen to whom you will be signing up with.
If you have decided to become a member, you may sign up here.
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