How to Buy One Share of Stock

Perhaps you do not have experience with the stock market and just want to try your hand at investing. Maybe you just want to be able to say you own stock in a particular company, or in general. Maybe you want to present a quirky or commemorative gift to someone. Regardless of your reasons, you have the option to purchase one share of stock.

Because buying one share of stock is generally not a huge investment, using a financial adviser or brokerage house is probably not necessary. You can visit the internet and search for the stock you want and make your purchase online.


To purchase one share of stock for investing and learning about the stock market, decide upon the company you wish to purchase stock from. One share of any stock is not going to make you a huge amount of money, but it can teach you how the market works, how trades are conducted, and how much you can expect to earn in fluctuating market conditions. So it probably isn’t too terribly important which stock you pick.

What is important is to compare the fees of the various online brokerage firms that sell the stock you want. Some firms require a high minimum balance, and that won’t work if you are just looking to buy a single share of stock. Most have per trade fees, so it doesn’t matter how many shares of stock you buy, you’ll pay per transaction. Look for the firms with the lowest per trade fees, their other services probably don’t matter if you are just looking to try the stock market out.

Targeted Stock

For one reason or another you want to own stock in a particular company. Maybe it’s a local company and you just want to show a token of support. Perhaps it’s a large company who’s shares are doing really well, but you can only afford one share. Either way, you’ll go about purchasing the stock the same way you would if you were just giving the market a shot like described above.

Use the internet to search for the stock you want. Compare fees of the brokerage firms. Then choose the stock offering at the firm that will cost you the least amount in fees. Complete your purchase. It’s that easy!

Novelty or Specialty Stock

If it’s a quirky gift you are after, one share of novelty or specialty stock can make a great impression. Let’s say you want to buy one share of stock in the moon for your favorite budding astronomer. You are going to go about purchasing the stock in the same way as described above.

However, there can be many more fees associated with buying specialty stock then with one share of regular stock. The firm my charge you a fee for a special commemorative certificate for your stock. They may also offer additional services at additional fees, such as, putting the certificate in a keepsake frame, or offering personal engraving. Don’t forget, this is in addition to the cost of the stock plus the per trade fee. Shopping around for the cheapest fees can save you a lot of money.

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