Computer Monitors Obsolete: Should You Buy a TV Instead?

 IMG_4447 New HD TV Replacing My Monitor

I recently lost my computer monitor.  Well, I didn’t really lose it, it died.  I guess leaving it on 24/7 isn’t “green” or good for the ‘Ol monitor either.  The monitor was a Hewlett Packard 22 inch flat wide screen LCD HDMI monitor which I thought was pretty nice.  She was only approximately two and a half years old when she passed away.  To lessen my environmental impact, I utilized e-waste recycling to get rid of the old thing!  When shopping for a new replacement, here is what I found.

Computer monitors ain’t as cheap as I thought they would be …

First of all, monitors over 20″ aren’t much cheaper than they were two years ago.  Not willing to accept anything less than what I had, I found that the best prices on 23″ monitors(22″ monitors are now called 23″”) ran from a very cheap looking, no frills, Samsung at $209 to some other not as cheap looking brands up to $399.  The comparable HP replacement monitor is $269 to $299 depending on where you find it.  Most common comparable replacements I found to be at about $249 -$329.

Help at Sam’s Club

As I was about to make my choice, I met a very helpful and knowledgeable guy at Sam’s Club.  He happened to be a manager and told me about another option.  How about replacing your monitor with a HDTV?  Not only can it be set up as a monitor, but it can also be used as a HD television by simply toggling back and forth.  Set up is as simple as it comes.  Nothing complicated at all… and LCD flat screen HDTVs are a whole lot cheaper than they were two years ago.  With a wide selection of HD flat screen TVs at Sam’s Club and at Best Buy,  I was able to find a larger 32 inch screen HDTV set for less than $60 more than the 23inch monitor I was about to buy.  I found a Visio 32 inch …  yes, “Thirty-two” inch LCD HDTV for $338.. They also had a Visio 26″ for only $328, but for ten bucks I couldn’t pass on six inches more.  My wife even agreed that was a good deal! (OK, get your head out of the gutter!)  I chose the 32 inch Visio.  To see it (click here)

Set-up is simple:

  1. Make sure the TV you select has a RGB computer connection(click here) … almost all I looked at did have it, but I found one that didn’t.
  2. Using the existing VGA/RGB cable(click here) from your old monitor, connect it from your computer VGA(click here)  to the back of the TV in the RGB(click here) plug in.
  3. Use a common 1/8th inch (3.5mm) audio cord from the external speaker jack(click here) or the headset jack on your computer tower or lap top.
  4. Hook up your cable  on antenna to the TV like you normally would any TV.
  5. You may need to go into the computer settings to adjust the screen size if it doesn’t auto-adjust.  Simple.

IMG_4454 Consumer Boomer On the TV Monitor


My Review

Five Stars!!! Works perfectly and it is UNBELIEVABLE, AWESOME, SWEET, or what ever they call it now.  It was a “Best Buy” at “Sam’s Club”


  1. It’s Bigger!
  2. It’s Better!
  3. It is more versatile!
  4. It is easy to set-up and use!
  5. I have a two year old grandson that we care for in the day time that watches all the kid shows including: Imagination Movers, Thomas the Train, Tom and Jerry, Sesame Street, and I don’t have to share it with him or wait for him to take his afternoon nap to watch Fox News, and CNBC again.
  6. I can check on a ball game while my wife watches “Dancing With The Stars” , “Grey’s Anatomy”, “Brother’s and Sisters”, “Private Practice”, or “The Hills”.
  7. I can toggle back and forth from Computer to TV when working on “Consumer“
  8. If your computer crashes or frustrates you to the point you don’t want it around anymore you aren’t stuck with a worthless, obsolete monitor … you still have a good TV.


None I can think of

I LIKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next step … Hook the computer up to my 55″ big screen.  Add a cordless keyboard and mouse.  Sit on the couch.  Watch TV.  Play on the computer.  Drink beer without having to get up.  Papa B!

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