Best Personal Financial Planning and Personal Investment Articles this Week from Personal Finance Blogs
Welcome to the March 25, 2011 Edition #177 of the Carnival of Financial Planning.
The Carnival of Financial Planning takes a long-term view of personal financial planning for individuals and families. We focus on efficient and sustainable personal financial planning practices that can lead to lifetime financial security.
This edition is arranged by subject heading, so that you can browse efficiently.
The Skilled Investor, Editor
Budgeting and Economics
Ryan @ CML presents Consumer Price Index vs. Core Inflation posted at Cash Money Life, saying, “Core inflation is rising at a faster rate than the Consumer Price Index, which ends up hurting the average consumer. Find out what you can do to mitigate the risk of inflation.”
The Skilled Investor presents Save More posted at Personal Financial Strategy, saying, “Budgeting your consumption is far more important than clever investing. Expenditure control and budgeting works, while “clever” investing usually is counter-productive.”
Financial Planning
TJ Mackey presents Japanese Equities – a cheap equity market or a value trap posted at Irish Life Blog saying, “Japanese stock analysis, plus financial advice, protection, pensions, investments & savings.”
Mike Piper presents When Should I Take Social Security Benefits? (Single Investor) posted at The Oblivious Investor, saying, “Does it makes sense for unmarried workers to start taking Social Security retirement benefits as soon as they’re eligible?”
Daine Ashford presents Financial Planning Reading List posted at Pasadena Financial Planner, saying, “A financial planning reading list about personal financial planning and investment management.”
Frank Knight presents Strategic Asset Allocation posted at Best Personal Financial Planning Software, saying, “When you are already there and invested in an asset class, you are following a passive asset allocation strategy. Tactical asset allocation strategy advocates suggest that you can anticipate the crowd, but flow-of-funds studies show that almost all tactical asset allocation fund flows are late money flows that chase performance after valuations have already moved.”
Michal presents 5 Ways To Keep From Busting Your Budget posted at Credit Card Offers IQ, saying, “5 ways to keep from busting your budget”
Janet Russo presents Inferior Mutual Fund Performance posted at Best No Load Funds, saying, “The investment research literature does provide some modest evidence that substantially inferior past mutual fund performance is more likely to lead to inferior mutual fund returns in the future. Excessive costs and high management expense ratios are the likely culprits, when explaining sub-par diversified investment fund returns.”
Aaron presents 4 Ways Prepaid Cards Can Help You Control Your Spending posted at Prepaidcards123, saying, “Prepaid cards can help you control your spending”
Financing a Home
Clariity presents 10 Steps of Buying a Home For The First Time (or Second and Third…) posted at Living With Clariity, saying, “Here are the steps to consider when buying a home.”
Barb Friedberg presents 5 Reasons to Hire a Realtor posted at Barbara Friedberg Personal Finance, saying, “Learn why I am willing to spend $1,000′s to hire a realtor to sell my home! The value exceeds the cost, especially in this trying real estate market.”
FMF presents Rebalancing—Your Best Friend posted at Free Money Finance, saying, “Simple rebalancing and occasional selling of certain highly valued assets is the best, most prudent approach, to getting great investment returns.”
The Financial Blogger presents Do You Invest In Yourself? Practical Tips For You posted at The Financial Blogger, saying, “We look at ways to invest in your business and personal growth.”
Intelligent Speculator presents Back to the basics: What is a VWAP? posted at Intelligent Speculator, saying, “We look at what a VWAP is.”
The Skilled Investor presents Stock Market Timing posted at Personal Investment Management, saying, “Always stay invested to earn risk premiums. You must have your money invested and at risk to get risk premium returns. Jumping out and in or “timing the markets” doesn’t work.”
Freddy presents Today’s Stock Pick: Chart Industries Inc (GTLS) 14-Mar-2011 posted at Protege Analytics, saying, “The stock markets spikes up today after the Labor Department reported that the number of jobless claims dropped more than economists expectation. Here is the stock pick for you all.”
Glen Craig presents What is Income Investing? posted at Free From Broke, saying, “Have you ever wondered what is meant by “income investing?” Find out what it is and how it can work for you.”
Pasadena Financial Planner presents Vanguard Index Funds posted at Top Mutual Funds, saying, “Compares Vanguard’s actively managed mutual funds and Vanguard’s passively managed index mutual funds. Vanguard investors should read and understand this study.”
Boomer presents Ways To Earn Investment Income: Part Two | posted at Boomer & Echo, saying, “In part one of this two part series I showed you how you can earn investment income from GIC’s and Bonds. Now let’s take a look at several additional ways that you can earn investment income.”
Darwin presents Price to Earnings Ratios Show US Headed Off a Cliff: MBA Monday posted at Darwin’s Money, saying, “See how Price to Earnings Ratios (P/E) have predicted multi-year market movements for over a century and why we’re headed for negative equities returns for over a decade if history repeats itself. No, this time isn’t different.”
Freddy presents Today’s Hot Stock: Molycorp Inc (MCP) posted at Protege Analytics, saying, “Stock markets go down a bit after three-day rally. Nevertheless I still found this hot stock for you.”
Frank Vertin presents Best Index Funds posted at Index Mutual Funds, saying, “Top ten no load index funds that track the Standard and Poors 500 composite index in terms of lowest costs.”
The Wise Squirrel presents Is This a Good Time to Invest in Japan? posted at Squirrelers, saying, “Given the recent unfortunate turn of events in Japan, it may seem hard to ask this question – but it should be asked: is this a good time to invest in Japan?”
Dividends4Life presents 12 Confident and Secure Companies Boosting Dividends posted at Dividends Value, saying, “If income investing were as simple as picking the stock with the highest yield, everyone would be an expert. Most assume (rightfully so) that yield is heavily influenced by risk, but much more goes into determining yield. The industry the company operates in, legal considerations (REITs and MLPs), maturity and growth potential all have an effect on an individual stock’s yield, along with the company’s ability to grow its dividend.”
Managing Credit and Debt
Jeri Ford presents 6 Questions to Ask Before Applying for an Airmiles Credit Card posted at Help Me Travel Cheap, saying, “Learn how to maximize the airmile returns on your credit cards.”
Outlaw presents Cutting the Debt Ball-and-Chain Without Filing Bankruptcy posted at Outlaw Finance, saying, “Tips for getting out of debt without the need for the final method.”
Ask Mr. CC presents Q&A: Which Business Credit Card Just For Corporate Travel posted at Ask Mr Credit Card, saying, “I recently got an email from a company owner asking for advice for a business credit card for his travel expense. We went back and forth on emails a few times. This is a full reprint of our conversation. Hope you take something out of this.”
Kyle Berks presents What is a Good Credit Score? posted at Integrated Loans, saying, “Credit scores will have varied tiers to determine the reliability of the debtor. A score that would be considered good, in terms of financial institutions, is a 660 to a 699. A 700+ would be considered excellent and as long as you have a job, you would have no problem being approved for the highest LTV (loan to value of the purchase.)”
Miscellaneous presents Best Online Masters Programs: Most Popular Online Master’s Degree Programs posted at Job Interview Guide, saying, “What are the best online masters? The top master’s degree programs rankings. How to make the right decision for the master’s degree program?”
Mike @ Green Panda presents Babies Expenses and Saving Tips posted at Green Panda Treehouse, saying, “Saving for a child in a tough economy.”
Jim Wilkerson presents Choose Mature Noload Mutual Funds posted at Best No Load Funds, saying, “Very young stock and bond mutual funds are more likely to put you into the position of being an experimental guinea pig of mutual fund companies and the ETF industry.”
Money Reasons presents Wealth Tip #8: Believe Your Way To Wealth posted at Money Reasons, saying, “Believing you can become wealthy is a aid not often talked about when discussing wealth, but a critical part. Believing that you can be rich make the path possible!”
Retirement Planning
FMF presents Interesting Retirement Income Alternatives posted at Free Money Finance, saying, “Various options for earning income while in retirement.”
Pat @ DNW presents 101 Online Retirement Planning Resources, part I posted at Do Not Wait, saying, “Let’s plan for retirement wisely.”
Walter W. Fouse presents Top 10 Large Cap Funds posted at Best Mutual Fund, saying, “This table of low cost top 10 S&P 500 mutual funds has been organized with the lowest cost index fund first. Nevertheless, each of these S & P 500 index funds is among the least costly on the market.”
Clariity presents How to Determine Your True Retirement Situation posted at Living With Clariity, saying, “Here are some items to consider when determining your current financial and retirement situation.”
Bankman presents Risks Associated with Annuity Products posted at High Yield Savings Accounts, saying, “Annuities are a god way to prepare for your financial future, but they aren’t without risks.”
Jareth presents Retirement Investment Calculator posted at Retirement Planning Software, saying, “Retirement investment calculator software automatically acts as a comprehensive compound investment calculator that applies historical investment return growth rates to your cash, bond, and stock assets.”
Jim Yih presents Advantages of Self-Directed RRSPs posted at Retire Happy Blog, saying, “The mutual fund market has now grown exponentially over the last 20 years. Equity investing has become more popular than ever and investors are more knowledgeable than ever. We now have more investment choices than we have ever had and our access to information is infinite.”
Risk Management and Insurance
Consumer Boomer presents Should You Buy Divorce Insurance? posted at Consumer Boomer, saying, “Starting over after the devastation of divorce may not seem so daunting if there is a bit of a safety net to fall back on. Here’s how divorce insurance can help.”
Clariity presents How to Budget & Save Money When Planning for Your Family Vacation posted at Living With Clariity, saying, “Are you planning a family vacation? Here are the most important things to consider when estimating your vacation budget.”
The Military Wallet presents Netflix Review and Coupon Code posted at The Military Wallet, saying, “Netflix is a great way to save money on entertainment costs, and many people can get a free one month trial.”
Madison DuPaix presents How to File Old and Delinquent Tax Returns posted at My Dollar Plan, saying, “Have an old tax return to handle? Read this!”
Abigail presents 5 Ways to Save on Your Taxes posted at Tips, saying, “Save money on your taxes with long-term financial planning.”
Ryan @ CML presents Best Credit Cards for Paying Taxes posted at Cash Money Life, saying, “The IRS accepts credit card payments for your taxes, but there is an associated processing fee. These credit cards take the bite out of the transaction fee and in some cases, could earn you cash rewards.”
Financial Freedom presents IRA Contributions, posted at Retirement Tool , saying, “The Roth tax optimization puzzle for asset conversions, as well as for annual Roth contributions during working years, is one of the most complex decisions that the ridiculously complex US taxation and retirement planning system forces upon individuals.”
Tommy John presents Tax Lien Investing – Smart Move for Investors | 2010 Taxes posted at 2010Taxes, saying, “Being a tax lien investor is a smart move for many.”
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of Carnival of Financial Planning using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.