Trading and taking positions in binary options is not gambling and it is a means of providing insurance to many corporations and people from around the world. Binary options overall have a positive impact for people and are easily trade-able financial instruments when one knows what they are doing.
Binary options are not new financial instruments and they have been around for a long time already. The FX interbank market has already been trading them for a number of years and the most sophisticated of markets use a variety of binary instruments to manage their risk. Some of these instruments include vanilla binary calls and puts to two-asset and knock-out, knock binary options. These option strategies are used by trading companies to transfer risk. Therefore, this creates various competition in the marketplace that is overall beneficial to the consumer.
Not only does the FX market use these types of instruments but so do the base metal markets. They use binary options in various formats to vastly plan ahead as they can fix the cost of raw materials way ahead in advance. Oil industries usually experience wild price swings in terms of energy costs and raw materials and that is why they use binary options to manage their risk.
Binary options are also used in the insurance industry via industry loss warranties (ILWs).
They use industry loss warranties (ILWs) to manage and transfer their risk where insurers are assuming risk based on such events as hurricanes, earthquakes, flooding, typhoons, and even volcanic activity. Most ILW buyers are insurance companies who are looking to protect themselves and who sell cover to households or businesses. All ILWs have a trigger (strike price) that show the PCS (Property Claims Service) final number payout and then the ILW buyer on the other end will receive the difference between the premium paid and the sum insured.
Overall, binary options is just another market’s term for a fixed odds bet concerning financial and commodities markets. Regardless, binary options have a limit of what kind of damage they can do. They are strictly limited within the price range of 0-100 thus limiting their loss. If one were to compare binary options risk to the regulated futures and conventional option market they are overall negligible. The person who buys binary options can lose no more than what they paid in premium or if they are an option seller they cannot lose 100 less than the premium. If a trader wants to beat the house, they need to hone their skills through reading technical charts and getting familiar with binary options.
Binary options are extremely sophisticated instruments that lowers the cost of products and services from a variety of different industries. They also provide people around the world to manage and overall transfer various risk.